Jan 3, 2015

The automatic transmission is the most popular option on the market.  There are two common types of automatic transmission designs: torque converter and dual-clutch.  La Grange area Toyota Scion service explains automatic transmission types.

Understanding the Dual Clutch

The dual-clutch system is a type of automatic transmission that requires two clutches.  One clutch assembly is for even gears and the other is for odd gears. The term ‘automated manual’ refers to a dual-clutch system. Instead of the driver manually shifting, automated manual relies on both electronics and hydraulics to shift the vehicle. As the speed increases, the computer predicts the next gear point and pre-selects the gear.  The clutches alternate to provide the car with a continuous flow of power. The dual-clutch transmission usually gives drivers the option to choose between two different modes: automatic, which enables the car to choose the gears, or the manual mode, which allows the driver to choose gears by simply pressing a button, using paddle shifters, or moving the gear shifter.


What is a Torque Converter?

Torque converters are one of the most misunderstood parts of the vehicle’s powertrain assembly.  The torque converter assembly consists of six main parts. In order for the vehicle to drive, the engine and rear wheels need to be connected; however, the car also needs to remain running when the vehicle is stopped.  This is accomplished with a torque converter, which is a fluid coupling between both the engine and the rear wheels.  This is necessary for the vehicle to drive, as it needs to remain running when the vehicle is stopped.